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A Walk through the Past

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Caption Eight

From class president, George Ireland 1/24/07



This is a quick note to let you know that John Butera, Dick Boedicker, and I presented a check for $3,000.00 to Leslie Leary (Auburn Education Foundation) yesterday on behalf of the Auburn East High School classof 1956.  We did this in a corridor of AEHS just around the corner from the entrance of the auditorium.
Leslie was delighted to receive the check.  The amount exceeded everyone's expectations.  She explained that someone has pledged to match up to $5,000.00 so this amount is expected to enable the AEF to meet that goal and end up with $10,000, largely because of our effort.  
Leslie has said the Auburn Citizen and Syracuse Post Standard are expected to give this some press. Her objective, like ours, is to give the AEF some attention, and alert following classes that giving to the AEF is a worthy goal.
We did well. Thank you all.


The class of 1956 donated to Sts. Peter and Paul for humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Below is the heartfelt acknowledgment from Rev. Vasile Colopelnic, the pastor.


SS. PETER & PAUL UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 136 WASHINGTON STREET November 29,2022 East High Class of 56 clo Mr. Richard Boedicker 5880 South St. Rd. Auburn, NY 13021 Glory to Jesus Christ! Dear East High Class of 56, AUBURN, NEW YORK 13021 Rev. Vasile Colopelnic Tel: 315-252 5573 I Amen, 1 say to you, whatever you did/or one a/these least brothers a/mine, you didfor me. (Matthew 25, 40) Words are not sufficient to express my gratitude for your sincere generosity in the amount of$638.37 in support of the humanitarian aid for Ukraine and her people, who are suffering daily because of the horrendous war perpetrated against them by the Russian Federation. Although they suffer, they are courageous and strong. Thus far, Ukraine has successfully defended and repelled the enemy that aims to destroy the Ukrainian nation. Most could have never imagined that in the 21st century, ' there would be a full-scale war in Europe, especially an unprovoked war against a peaceful and sovereign nation. The freedom loving people of Ukraine did not imagine this either, but their long history of fighting for their freedom and dignity prepared them to defend not only their territory, but the values and ideals we all cherish. After these months of war in Ukraine, we all understand that this it will shape the future of our world. This is a war of evil aggression against all human values, the values for which the democratic world has strived towards for decades. We all have to do whatever is in our power to spread goodness, to promote solidarity, and to strongly advocate for a peaceful world! Everyone of us can make a difference, and united we can change the world. Ukrainians are proving precisely this. Please continue to pray for our long-suffering Ukrainian people! Please be assured that your support is greatly appreciated. May God bless you and your family members for your kind and generous hearts! With prayers, Father Vasile Colopelnic Pastor